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Portuguese Royal Gala gain Peruvian access
“After an exhaustive and meticulous inspection from Peruvian`s authorities (SENASA) and together with the Portuguese`s (DGAV and DRAPLVT), Portugal has achieved access to export apples to Peru. This resulted from Mr. Vitor Fonseca, the owner of Ferreira da Silva, visiting Peru to offer our apples. Luckily, Agroretail showed interest in importing the fruits”, explains Ricardo Ramos from Ferreira da Silva, Portugal.
He explains that it’s the first time that Portugal will export Royal Gala apples to Peru. “Ferreira da Silva from Portugal and Agroretail from Peru are involved in these shipments to let Peruvian people experience the taste of Portuguese apples. The apples will be sold with the brand Portuguesa, and we will have to see how they are received in the market.”
She concludes that soon they will arrive at Lima`s supermarkets. “Our season starts in August and we harvest till September. Then our apples go into storage, which we sell to nearby markets till March. This means the bigger volumes will be exported from next season on. It’s a new market, so we will have to see how things go. Ferreira da Silva is working to open more new markets and start supplying new customers soon.”