San Miguel wants to pay homage and recognition to Jose Luis Foguet (87), who recently passed away. Jose Luis was a fundamental protagonist for the company's leadership and the undisputed pioneer in modern citrus farming in Argentina.
Jose Luis Foguet was born in San Miguel de Tucuman in 1930 and he was key for the development of the citrus sector nationwide. He achieved different milestones for the history of the industry.
Foguet was, without a doubt, a great teacher for all those who had the privilege to work at his side. He was considered by many people as a second father. He devoted himself to perfecting the necessary techniques for the development of the citrus industry and became a valuable innovator.
Jose Luis Foguet's humility and love for research became evident when he was appointed Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine and said: "It has been a long path. Each one of us has participated, to the extent of our knowledge and possibilities, in the development of the citriculture that we have today. That's why I consider that this distinction I'm being awarded is also for Tucuman's citrus sector."
According to Rodolfo G. Frank, "Foguet was an example of dedication and vocation for agricultural activities, both in the productive aspects, in research and in technology transfer."
These are just some of his most outstanding achievements:
• He promoted the first export of limes from Argentina.
• He was distinguished by the National Academy of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine as a Corresponding Member.
• He was a pioneer in the development of lime varieties and rootstocks: practically all the varieties that are currently used were developed by him and his teams.
• He published more than 100 research and technical papers.
• Most of the genetic practices that are applied today, were created by him.
• He helped the Obispo Colombres de Tucuman Agroindustrial Experimental Station have 5,000 hectares to perform trials, as well as the economic support to make them.
• He traveled and knew practically all the citrus areas of the world. He took advantage of each of those trips and selected the best varieties to try them out in Tucuman.
Jose Luis Foguet is remembered with admiration and affection by researchers of the main companies and institutions of the world. "In today's world, it is not usual to have a colleague that is more interested in sharing results than in money or politics. Jose Luis was one of those great people who left a strong mark on citrus growing. I am very honored to have met him," said William Castle, Emeritus Researcher at the University of Florida in charge of genetic improvement.
San Miguel lamented his loss and accompanies his family in this very painful moment.