"The Harvest Land International Trading has become a comprehensive trading company that works on the development, production and sales of Chinese and foreign fruit, vegetables and other agricultural products. We work together closely with several Chinese and foreign large-scale producers, so that we can bring high quality fruit to our consumers," states Jane of Harvest Land International Trading.
The team of Harvest Land International Trading
"Our team consists of people with over ten years of experience in the fruit industry. To guarantee the high quality of our products, we have strict controls for every phase of the production process, from the field to the table. When we choose a production site as our partner, we will meticulously inspect its geographical location and production environment, such as the air and soil quality, and the water supply. In the production process, our technical personnel manages the strict allocation and supervision of the use of fertilizer and pesticides. Furthermore, at the beginning of the production season, our inspection personnel will remain on site, and keep track of the fruit targets. We have our own branch office in Canada, for example, so that we can better perform quality control."
Imported cherries
A cherry field abroad
"For our Tunisian soft seeded pomegranates, for example, we have formulated requirements for harvest time, weight, size, color and sweetness, and for standardized packaging for better preservation, transportation and storage. With our sorting equipment for soft seeded pomegranate standardization and accuracy, we have become a creator of industry standards."
Fruitkii soft seeded pomegranates
Fruitkii soft seeded pomegranates
"Our Fruitkii brand represents prosperity, freshness, taste and health. Our high quality fruit is sold both in China and abroad. We are working closely together now with Chinese and foreign large-scale supermarket chains, delicacy chain stores and large-scale e-commerce platforms, and also rely on distributors, smaller online entrepreneurs and suppliers. Furthermore, we have established sales offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Xi'an. They create a vast sales network. While we are gradually developing the markets in first and second tier cities, we are also arranging sales in third tier cities, so that even more consumers can enjoy our high quality fruit."
Soft seeded pomegranate field
"As the people's income and knowledge has been growing in the past few years, consumers are now focusing more on taste than on price for both Chinese and imported fruit. Knowledge on fruit quality can help reel in customers for the long term, and the brand is the best way to achieve this. Our team will continue to give Chinese and foreign customers high quality products."
Contact person:
Ye Jing
Harvest Land International Trading Co., Ltd