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Hacienda Casa Chica
Peru: Focus on easy-pealers and new varieties
“This year our most important varieties of citrus were Tango, Tangelo Minneola and Washington Navel. However, this will change fast in the coming years. There will be a reduction in Tangelo Minneaola production and a significant growth in late easy pealers. The reason for the change is to follow the market trends. We would like to offer our customers varieties that meets the demand of their clients”, explains Arturo Hoffmann from Agrícola Don Ricardo the mother company of Hacienda Casa Chica.
The company’s product portfolio includes easy-pealer mandarin varieties such as Tango, W. Murcott/ Nadorcott, Orri, and a trial of Oronules. The majority of fruit is exported to the United States and Canada, closely followed by Europe and the UK and a little volume to Latin America and Russia."
“The season has been positive with increasing volumes. We bought this farm only a few years ago, so we have been changing the cultivars and varieties, etc. This was the first year with a greater volume of late easy-pealers, such as Tango and W. Murcott. Despite the big volumes available in the world the demand has continued strong. This is a good sign taking into consideration the volumes planted over the past years”, says Arturo.
For more information:
Arturo Hoffmann Harrison Agricola Don Ricardo Ica, Peru E: [email protected] T: (+511) 3729393