“Table grapes are a growing product for the Peruvian export. We are still waiting to see what the effect of the North of Peru will have on the total export of this year. At the moment there are a significant number of new varieties being tested and developed in Peru. In our case, this season of 2017/2018, the majority of our production are traditional varieties and only a small percentage covers new varieties. We expect that in the coming year new varieties become much more important, and we will have a balanced production of both traditional and new varieties. This is mainly market driven", explains Arturo Hoffmann Harrison, the sales manager of Agricola Don Ricardo from Peru.

The company was founded in 1995 and started directly with producing, processing and exporting seedless table grapes and avocados. “In 2011 we got involved in the Citrus business through the acquisition of Hacienda Casa Chica. Our most important product is table grapes, followed by Citrus, Hass avocados and Blueberries. In general our most important export markets are the United States and Canada, UK, Europe, Korea and China.”
Agricola Don Ricardo is among the largest growers and exporters of grapes in Peru. “Luckily, our production in Ica hasn´t been affected by the weather, like it has in Piura. Therefore, our export season this year started in week 42, with the export of flames, red seedless grapes. Shortly after, we started exporting Sugerones and Early Sweet both white seedless varieties. We expect to end our season around week 6 with Crimson, Jacks salute, Timpson and Autumn Crisp”, explains Arturo.
Avocado“Our production is all Hass avocados, which we harvest during the months June, July and August. An advantage of this harvesting period, is that our export starts after the peak and right at the end of the Peruvian export. In addition, it’s before the bigger volumes of Chile which gives us a good position. Compared to last year we increased our exports, divided between our export destinations the United States, Europe, and the UK. We are planning to start exporting to China next season. All avocados harvested have a minimum dry matter of 21,5%, which is according to ProHass standards.”
“Last year export volume grew 11%, which means 170,625 tons. This year again it has grown over 25%, so export exceeded 220.00 tons. This growth is a result of an increase in consumption worldwide, but as well gaining access to new countries such as China.”
Only recently the company started export blueberries as well. “We produce different varieties such as, Ventura, Emerald, Snowchaser, Jewel, and Biloxi. Our season is from August till the end of December. Our blueberries are have a distinctive quality compared to other blueberries in Peru. This is because it’s grown in Ica, and we are one of the few blueberry producers in this region. The majority of producers are located in Trujillo, while we are located more towards the South. (more chill hours, therefore higher brix).
For more information:
Arturo Hoffmann Harrison
Agricola Don RicardoIca, Peru
[email protected]T: (+511) 3729393