"Luochuan in Shaanxi is known as the home of Chinese apples. Their fruit has many unique qualities, such as a high quality and a nice size. They are also colorful, crispy, sweet, hard, and can be stored well. For many years, they have had an excellent reputation on the Chinese and foreign markets. Every year, the blossoming of the Luoyang apples starts in April, and the supply lasts until October," according to Mr. Wang Xiaodong from Luochuan Merrycall Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
The premium packaging of the high quality apples that are sold under the brand "Comely"
"Our company has established a growth alliance with 1,650 farmers who own over 1,500 hectares (15,000 mu) of fruit fields. 150 hectares are dedicated to apple export, 500 to apple traceability, 50 to apple claims, 800 to apple demonstrations, and the other 50 are privately owned. We mainly grow Yanfu 3, New 2001, and Shoufu 1. Furthermore, we founded a 50 hectare integrated, modernized field this year. Next year, we will add another 50 hectares for close planting, where we will grow Fuji apples. For the breed and technology development, we mainly rely on the Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University."
The rainbow apple fields that Luochuan Merrycall Biological Technology Co., Ltd. built with Fortune 500 companies
Apple trees from Luochuan Merrycall Biological Technology Co., Ltd. that were purchased by DSM (China) Co., Ltd.
"The core business of Luochuan Merrycall Biological Technology Co., Ltd. is the sales and export of apples. We strive to offer apple breeding, growing and capital services, and an integrated supply chain of purchasing, processing, cold chain distribution and storage. We now have 15,000 tons in controlled atmosphere storage, and have imported two fruit sorting lines from the French MAF Roda. In order to guarantee that every customer can eat fresh apples, we not only support the cold chain distribution by delivery in the city, but also establish circulation storages in all the stores."
The MAF Roda sorting line Luochuan Merrycall Biological Technology Co., Ltd. imported from France
"Our high quality apples are sold under our own "Comely" brand. Currently, 95% of our apples are sold on the Chinese market through stores in first and second tier cities, like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu, and through well-known Chinese e-commerce platforms, like Jingdong, Benlai, City Shop and Cai Guanjia. The other 5% is exported to countries like Macao, Hong Kong, Australia and Germany. We are now discussing export to America as well."
The nine apple gift package of Luochuan Merrycall Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
The nine apple gift package of Luochuan Merrycall Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
"This year's apple export market is doing quite well. Our export has increased gradually, and the export price has dropped slightly. Because of our good product quality and company reputation, our apples have been very popular on the middle and high end foreign markets. Especially our nine apple gift packaging, which has now become the official gift of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs for foreign friends."
Wang Xiaodong
Company: Luochuan Merrycall Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
Phone: +86 911 8382 777
Chinese service hotline: 400-688-0118