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Organic Lithuanian veg grower has a keen eye on the German market

After witnessing increasing demand for organic vegetables, Lithuanian mushroom producer, Baltic Champignons, decided to take the leap and switch from conventional to organic.

"We have a long history of growing mushrooms, we started in 1996, and our company has now grown into a supplier of both organic mushrooms and vegetables. We started our organic mushrooms three years ago and it was a natural step to go into the organic vegetables market after we became part of AUGA group, one of the largest organic food companies in the region. We achieve synergy in the production cycle because we are able to use all of the organic compost left after mushroom production for fertilizing organic vegetables and other crops, grown on our fields," said Donatas Dragūnas, Marketing Manager of Baltic Champignons.

The organic offering has been in place just over the last three years for mushrooms and two years for vegetables. We're fully organically certified for all crops for the last year and the company is looking for new markets for export, with a keen eye on the German market.

Along with standard white and brown mushrooms, Baltic Champignons also has a wide range of exotics such as eringi, shiitake, oyster, portabello, all of which are available organic.

After joining the AUGA group they also starting offering organic vegetables as well, such as potatoes, carrots, red beets, onions, parsnips, Jerusalem artichokes, cabbage and other legumes.

Baltic Champignons became the strategic investor when it merged with the Agrowill Group, one of the largest agricultural companies in Lithuania, in 2014. The new company called AUGA group is now the biggest integrated organic food company in the region, managing more than 33,000 hectares of organically certified arable land and producing a wide range of organic products from commodities to packaged and branded end consumer offerings.

For more information:
Donatas Dragunas
Baltic Champs | AUGA group
Tel: +370 686 087 56
Email: [email protected]