"We cannot say that the kaki campaign has been a disaster"
"This statement could effectively cause many to fear a huge devaluation of kakis and persuade producers to sell the fruit at cheaper prices," said sources from Fòrum, formed by more than 500 agricultural producers of Algemesí, in Valencia. "We denounce that this situation may favour the interests of the few who dominate the markets," they added.
FreshPlaza has been able to ask some Spanish producers and exporters of this fruit, who reported that although it is true that at this time the prices are not ideal, since this is usually a period with a greater supply, which puts more pressure on prices, "we cannot say, in any way, that the campaign has been a disaster, because that is not true," states a representative of the Regulatory Council of the PDO Kaki Ribera del Xúquer.
In fact, in the first part of the campaign, "almost twice the volume has been marketed compared to the previous season, and at very acceptable and sustainable prices, which shows that the demand for this fruit is gradually increasing across the world," they say.
According to various producers and marketers, consumers are paying the same as in previous years, and this year's production has not increased significantly enough to motivate such statements. "We believe that if the buyer pays the same as last year and the production does not record a significant increase, there is no reason to try bringing the price down even more."
"Causing the market to sink is easy, but irresponsible, as it can cause incalculable damage after breaking the entire chain, which depends on the producers. Many families live off the work devoted to this crop. We denounce the lack of action from the Administration to stop this situation. This may be a good moment for producers to rethink our strategy, because if we stand together, we will be in a stronger position to face these attacks," concludes the Fòrum representative.