Apples displaying German, English, Dutch and Scandinavian messages, or images of Father Christmas or sleigh rides. Harrie Septer has been selling these for Fruitmasters, which is based in the Netherlands, for more than 25 years. "There is less supply than other years because, due to the frost, one of our growers was unable to produce", says Harrie.
Besides the Christmas apples, Fruitmasters also produces special apples for companies which display their business' names. From mid-January onwards, there will also be apples saying 'Happy Valentine' . "We sell to diverse sectors. They find their way to catering wholesalers, other wholesalers and, via exporters and our own export division, also to Iceland, South Africa and Hong Kong. It is actually unbelievable where they end up. Previously, we sent many of these wish apples to Russia. As a result of the boycott,that is, of course, no longer the case", says Harrie.
"A lot of companies have started with these over the last few years, only to stop again. It takes a lot of organisation and, of course, you have to be able to sell them. There is no use for a Christmas apple in January."
For more information:
Harrie Septer
+31 (0) 345 578 816
[email protected]