Sabrina Trovò, owner and export manager of Fruit du Soleil: it produces a natural fruit juice with a concentration of 97-98%.
Fruit du Soleil is a brand developed thanks to the experience of over four generations of fruit growers who have been specialising in fruit cultivation the 1950s with the objective of preserving local traditions.
Azienda Agricola Ferrari Mauro was established in 1990 and is located in Ducentola, a small town in the Ferrara province. it covers 160 hectares, 70 of which are orchards, while the rest used for cereal and pulses.
Crops follow their natural rhythm and harvesting is carried out so that it is staggered. This way, fresh high-quality produce is available all year round.
The brand grows the following varieties:
Pears: Conference, Abate, Decana and William
Peaches: Maria Bianca and Big Top nectarines
"Thanks to the chemical and physical characteristics of the soil, the fruit grown in the plain and Ferrara area is sweeter than that from the mountains. The only problem is that colour is penalised by the high summer temperatures, but it does not affect organoleptic quality."
The company is equipped with a refrigerated unit that can store up to 800 thousand kg and a processing area for packaging.
"Our products are destined mainly to Italy and especially to markets in Rome, Milan, Treviso, Udine, Verona, Vicenza, Padua, Trieste, Palermo, Lecce and Como as well as to a few retail chains."
"We are growing, especially since our fresh produce volume has increased by 30% compared to last year. In order to enter the market, the products must comply with a series of requirements including size and shape but of course not all fruit looks the same, so part of it used to be disposed of or sent to the processing industry."
"A little over a year ago, we started processing it with simple natural methods. We don't add chemicals, gluten or water, so the percentage of fruit is always at least 97%."
"The company follows the integrated control specifications set out by Regione Emilia Romagna, so we employ techniques that respect man and the environment and use pheromones to protect the crops against harmful insects as well as specific techniques against fungi."
Ferrari Mauro Az.Agricola
Via Don Minzoni, 15
44019 Voghenza (FE) - Italy
Tel.: (39) 0532 818306
Cell.: (+39) 333 4750982 - (+39) 335 5352923
Email: [email protected]