Saverio explains that Peviani exports throughout Europe, but the domestic market is very important as well. “In general, there is a big movement in the grape market, towards new varieties and mostly seedless varieties. This is also noticeable in the Italian market. Consumers are becoming more aware of these varieties, and demand for seedless is growing. After years of producing and importing the same varieties, now the market is demanding new varieties.”

Being present at the Amsterdam Produce show will help the company to have a better market understanding says Saverio. “We see much potential, so it’s good to be present at such an event. For the next season, our aim is to grow as a company. In general the demand for table grapes is growing. For these reasons we’re growing and will increase our productions, with more focus on the autumn and mid-late autumn period.”
For more information:
Saverio Fuccillo
Tel.: (+39) 382 6785206
E: [email protected]