The Dutchman, Stefan van Slobbe, represents the German asparagus machine manufacturer, Strauss, in North and South America. "Recently the Empaque Rio Colorado (ERC) company bought six Strauss sorting machines and another six Strauss bunchers. This makes them the first Mexican business to transition 100% into being fully automated when it comes to sorting and packing asparagus."
"One of the most important reasons ERC chose Strauss' sorting and packing machines is the reduction in labour costs. You need hardly any staff with knowledge of packing. In addition, the machines ensure a uniform thickness during the sorting process, as well as better quality asparagus. The product is washed better and the machines also have very good production statistics", says Stefan.
Over the past few years, Empaque Rio Colorado have doubled its asparagus acreage from 450 to 900 hectares. The twelve machines were installed in October and will be begin definite work in December. "Besides ERC, there are four other companies in Mexico that sort with Strauss machines. Gourmet Trading is one of these", says Stefan.
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Santiago de Chile
Cel: +56 995 449 127
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