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Cravo opens new blueberry trial site in Irapuato, Mexico
Cravo has recently completed construction of a retractable roof house for blueberries. The house is located on the trade show grounds of the Expo Agro Alimentaria trade show where blueberry trials are currently under way using a variety of conventional tunnel designs.
The goal of the house is to demonstrate how growers can change the production system to achieve a 2-3 year return on investment.
When using the retractable roof production system:
Plant density can be increased by up to 50%
Yield per plant in year one can be increased 25%-50%
Total yield per m2 can be increased by approximately 100%
In addition to increases in total yield, the retractable roof can help:
Extend the harvest season
Increase fruit size, firmness, brix and shelf life
Reduce chemical applications by over 50%
The production protocols in the demonstration house will be overseen by Luis Gaxiola from Cravo who is responsible for technical support for berry producers.