"Despite the fact that berry production for processing was actually down this year in Ukraine, even larger losses in other EU countries have opened up opportunities for Ukrainian suppliers in Europe and Poland, in particular. This has brought increased demand for Ukrainian berries, which many see as an open door to new EU markets. Many believe that the relationships formed this season, will be beneficial for the seasons to come," shared Tetiana Getman for Info Shuvar.

Poland received 34% of the total export volume of frozen berries from Ukraine this season. The share of exports to the Belarus market amounted to 1%, with the remaining 65% being shipped to the EU and other countries.
According to the information provided by Info-Shuvar, during the first nine months of 2017, the largest increase in exports was for frozen strawberries, with a record volume of 2,640 thousand tons compared to 595 tons in 2016, and frozen cherries exports were 50 times higher with 1,500 tons in 2017, compared to 30.4 tons in 2016. Frozen raspberries were up by 40% in 2017, with 8,100 tons, compared to 4,700 in 2016.
Frozen blueberries, which had always been known as the leading frozen export for Ukraine, weren't as lucky this year, with exports falling by 17%, from 19,500 tons in 2016 to 16,100 tons in 2017. The main reason for the decrease is that the blueberry was the hardest hit by frosts.
"Fresh wild blueberry producers had a better season this year, with a huge boost in production, with areas almost doubling from 700 hectares in 2016, doubling by 2017 with the capacity of 3.5 tons per hectare. During 2017, Ukraine shipped 1.8 tons of blueberries to foreign markets, which is almost 35% up on the previous year."
For more information:
Tetiana Getman
Tel: +38 (093) 719-92-74
Email: [email protected]