Chile is currently the main exporter of fresh fruits from the Southern Hemisphere, which makes it an important country for the supply of fruit in the counter season of countries like the United States, the main destination of Chilean citrus fruits.
According to data from Monserrat Valenzuela, the Manager of the Committee, "the country shipped 270,408 tons of citrus to the different international markets during the 2017 season, i.e. 10% more than the same date last year. The United States received 82% of those shipments; whereas the Far East and Europe received 8% and 6% of the total of exports, respectively."
Valenzuela stressed that Chile was a key supplier of citrus for the United States during winter, a position that needs to be strengthened and consolidated.
In this framework, the ASOEX's Citrus Committee organized the International Citrus Seminar, which will be held in two different cities. On November 28, it will take place at the Enjoy Hotel in ViƱa del Mar, from 08:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. On November 30, 2017, it will be held at the Hotel Club La Serena, also from 08:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
The seminar will be developed focusing on four pillars: Challenges, Technologies, Innovation and Trends, in response to the strict phytosanitary measures that govern the different markets, and the increasingly demanding consumers worldwide.
"The goal of the Seminar is, through sustainable production, to highlight Chile and the citrus sector as one of the best exporters of citrus in the Southern Hemisphere," said the professional.
Featured exhibitors and key issues
Juan Enrique Ortuzar, Chairman of the Citrus Committee will be in charge of opening the conference, providing an overview of the current situation in the Chilean citrus industry and an assessment of the challenges that this industry faces.
The Seminar will also feature a presentation of Maria Carolina Vidal, Head of the Office of Applied Agrometereology, who will perform an analysis and agricultural climatic forecast for citrus production areas so as to answer the concerns raised by the sector regarding the impact, and the present and future effects of climate change.
In addition, nutritionist Juan Tejo, of the High Performance Center (CAR), will talk about the benefits of consuming citrus fruits, focusing on the importance of having them in your daily diet and adding value to the production and export industry.
Another fundamental issue that will be discussed at the Seminar are the measures to prevent and control pests and diseases. The Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG) will analyze the main threat affecting citrus fruits in the world: the HLB and its vector."This plague is not present in Chile, which has therefore, taken actions to prevent it and detect it in a timely manner. The Committee generates instances so that producers and exporters are aware of the issue. Getting timely and correct information is key for prevention and to make decisions," said Valenzuela.
Natalia Olivares, a researcher of the Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA) La Cruz, will give a talk about the advances in research and control strategies of the curculionid and Brevipalpus chilensis pests, both of which are quarantine pests that affect citrus. Meanwhile, Dr. Renato Ripa, the director of Biocea, will discuss the guidelines for sustainable management of quarantine pests in citrus, as well as the advances and trends in the area, in order to define an economically viable strategy that combines different control methods to reduce pests incidence to tolerable levels, and to minimize adverse effects on the environment.
Adviser and agronomist, Julio Cornejo, will talk about the advances in the use of biostimulants, growth regulators and root management to improve citrus productivity; a fundamental aspect in the management of citrus orchards.
Studies and Projects: Meshes, Variety Compatibility Chart
Another central theme in the conference is related to answering the concerns of citrus producers and exporters, such as: What are the aspects to consider in the use of meshes to avoid cross-pollination?; What is the installation system? and, What are the management aspects during its installation and use? Questions that will be answered by Dr. Johanna Martiz, an academic from the Pontifical Catholic University from Chile. Martiz will present the results of the project: Design of a strategy to reduce the presence of seeds in export madarines (15 COTE - 46285).
The expert will also answer questions regarding what varieties are compatible and could produce cross-pollination in a presentation of the Variety Compatibility Chart for Chilean conditions, which includes the description of the varieties, which are possible to crossbreed, and whether there is a possibility or not of obtaining seeds; and, if there is that possibility, what their range would be.
International expert
Dr. Timothy E. Williams, a researcher at the Department of Botany and Plant Breeding at the University of California Riverside, will talk about the new varieties of citrus available, their characteristics, and the world outlook and trends regarding the new varieties and consumption
For inquiries contact the Manager of the Citrus Committee, Monserrat Valenzuela, by E-mail:
[email protected], or by phone: +56984191712.