Each wholesaler only has 2 to 20 crates available, but things are looking up as it is very popular with Asians - immigrants from China, Pakistan and Bangladesh require it. If we think that, in large cities, many greengrocers are managed by immigrants from these countries, we can see how they will increasingly push the produce they like.
"Quantities sold are still insignificant. The produce comes China while, a few years ago, it was grown and exported from Israel. Currently (30th October 2017), a crate of red pomelos is being sold at €16-17, while a crate of white pomelos sells at €13-14. Each crate holds 10-12 fruits," explains exotic fruit expert Paolo Bernardi.
Anyway it is rather in demand in large cities, so much so that Amazon Prime now also has it in stock, and sells it at €3.54/kg.