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Suterra sponsored the Stone Fruit Attraction Congress

"Pest control based on pheromones and attractants is a necessity"

"The current markets are increasingly strict when it comes to the compliance of both the legislation regarding MRLs in fruit and the protocols for export," explains Carolina Maset, EU Marketing Manager of Suterra.

"We are dealing with a consumer who is concerned about the environment, who wants a healthy and tasty fruit, and in this context, pheromones and attractants are no longer a trend and are increasingly becoming an indispensable tool to ensure that growers meet the demands of consumers and, at the same time, look after our natural environment," she adds.
Suterra, which is the global leader in the development and manufacture of products for the control of agricultural pests based on this type of products, sponsored the Stone Fruit Attraction congress, organized by APOEXPA and FEPEX within the framework of the recent edition of Fruit Attraction. This congress is the meeting point for professionals in the stone fruit sector and serves to outline its situation and future prospects.

According to Carolina Maset, "nowadays, the sustainable management of pests such as Anarsia lineatella (peach miner) is inconceivable without the use of sexual confusion." Checkmate® Puffer® PTB is the only solution that simplifies its control by combining precision, simplicity and sustainability."

Another great enemy for stone fruit growers is the fruit fly of the Mediterranean, or Ceratitis capitata. "The Suterra Magnet MED system has established itself as the sector's preferred alternative for its sustainable control because of its integrated format, which offers greater convenience and speed in installation. We offer simple, effective and environmentally-friendly solutions."

For more information:
Carolina Maset (EU Marketing Manager)
Plaza América 2, 9ª
46004, Valencia. Spain
T: +34 96 395 67 43
M:+34 647 957 907
[email protected]

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