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WARNING! Scam involving ANTONIO RUGGERO SPA reported

We would like to warn all operators that Gaetano Russo made contact with a few Spanish companies at Madrid Fruit Attraction to obtain purchases and supplies by introducing himself as an import-export manager for "Antonio Ruggiero Spa".

This is a scam, as the subject provided false details, this individual even went up to the companies attending the fair in person!

The "manager" gave out false business cards reporting the real name and contact information of the company, but a false e-mail. Antonio Ruggero Spa would like to thank the Spanish company that reported the fact and has already pressed charges.

We would like to invite producers and suppliers to pay the maximum attention and confirm their orders with the real "Antonio Ruggero Spa" through the following contacts:

Antonio Ruggiero S.p.A.
Via Migliara 49 n. 31
04010 Borgo San Donato - Sabaudia (LT)
Tel.: (+39) 0773 50355 / 50707 / 50591
Fax: (+39) 0773 562184
Email: [email protected]
Publication date: