SNIFL elects Denis Ginard as new President
This was the opportunity for the members to review the main events of the year and the main subjects dealt with by the SNIFL, as well as the new organisation of Saint Charles International with the appointment, since January 1st, 2016, of Mr. Cyril Gornes to the title of Services Managing Director.
The major professional issues were discussed, such as the creation of a new "Training & Recruitment" Commission, which began its work in February 2016. Its members will propose, in 2017, together with the SNIFL’s partner training agencies, training cycles adapted to the needs of the SMEs. In terms of employment, synergies will also be examined with influencer bodies such as the Conseil Départemental, the Direccte or Pôle Emploi.
At the event Mr. Denis Ginard, CEO of Groupe Provence Dauphiné and Chairman of Primsud, a member of the SNIFL since 1991, replaced Mr. Henri Ribes for President, who was not running for a new term. Mr. Henri Ribes however, plans to keep accompanying the new team for the next two years by maintaining his involvement in the Bureau.
The first words of the newly elected president, also the youngest in SNIFL's history, were as follows:
"It is with great humility that I take on this new mission. I thank all the members of the Syndicate who elected me through the board of directors.
I know that my responsibility binds us all, and that's why, be assured, my involvement will be total."
"Many projects are awaiting us, and I think that the quality team of administrators working with me, will enable us to achieve all our objectives.
One thing is certain: the "Saint-Charles" spirit, this solidarity, which is the very essence of our various organisations, will enable us, I am sure, to face the challenges that we will meet."
Anne Florin
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