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Italy: Good year for Agricola Campidanese

"2016 has been a positive year. We have reached all our objectives and respected our schedule. The PO will end the year with a turnover of €20-20.5 million. Our leading products - Gavina mini watermelons and Majores piel de sapo melons - and summer fruit did very well. Artichokes and fresh-cut products also performed well. Feedback was good both in Italy and abroad," explains entrepreneur Salvatore Lotta (in the photo), sales manager of Agricola Campidanese.

"We carried out a few tests abroad with Costco and, in 2017, our Gavina mini watermelon will be the only one available in their assortment. We have also increased our supplies to the Dutch Albert Heijn chain by 40%. What is more, a few days ago, we signed an agreement with a new important client, Coop Italia."

The La Patata range will be introduced next year. "We have never dealt with potatoes so far. We will start sowing in January and harvesting will be in May. We have chosen yellow and red potatoes with a low environmental impact. In Sardinia, 60% of table potatoes come from overseas, so we believe there is room to develop regional and domestic productions." Sardinian soil is mostly virgin and ideal to grow potatoes.

The objective is to relaunch agriculture in the region. "We know we are the leading PO for what concerns the number of producers and kg produced. New members have led us to diversifying our range."

Organic - growing foreign demand
The PO will launch an organic project in May/June 2017. "One of the members will start growing only organic produce. Demand for everything that is no residue and organic is constant, especially abroad."

What is new for 2017
The new packaging for Le Fragolose range will be launched shortly. "It is a new 500 g packet and we will surprise customers with a new tray for St. Valentine's day. After all, strawberries are the symbol of love."

Two social projects are connected to the new packaging of the artichoke range:
  • Together for prevention with LILT Oristano - Salviamoci la pelle: Melanoma is the most aggressive malignant skin cancer with the highest mortality rate due to the fact that it is difficult to diagnose and spreads quickly. L'Orto di Eleonora, in cooperation with LILT's Oristano provincial branch, promotes an awareness, screening and early diagnosis programme for the workers most at risk (fishing, agricultural, farming and building sectors); 
  • A Scuola per Mangiar sano: a correct diet is essential not only to guarantee optimum nutrition, but also to safeguard health and guarantee a good quality of life. L'Orto di Eleonora and LILT Oristano raise awareness as regards the nutrition of the younger generations. The aim is to promote healthy eating habits through lessons in schools." 
"We also believe it is very productive for everyone to invest in Africa. We have rented some land in Burundi and gave it to a cooperative for widows and orphans. That is where the first school of agriculture was set up - people will no longer eat just roots, but they will learn how to become self-sufficient by growing beans or rice, for example. We invested around €40,000 of our profits in Africa to help the population. Our Gavina and Majores products are connected to this project."

Lotta also talked about an initiative for the areas affected by the earthquakes in Italy. A company dinner will be organised and attended by around 700 people. The money raised (around €25 per person), will go to charity. "At times of difficulty, this is what being Italian means. If politics does not provide an example for businesses, us businesses will be an example for politics."

"Feedback has been very positive. Even though we have doubled the cultivated hectares, we have finished the stocks. Italian consumers recognise high quality, so we are lucky. Origin is one of the things they pay attention to, I believe they would chose tomatoes from Sardinia over those from Holland."

5 colori del Benessere campaign
"As we are Unaproa members, we are introducing the 5 colori del benessere (5 colours of well-being) mark on all our packaging. We believe the slogan works, especially as well-being is very important. We need to produce in a responsible manner, with no residues, so our products are safe."

"We are very active on both Facebook and Instagram and interact with a community that follows us every day. We have also launched the #vitamediterranea hashtag to raise awareness about healthy eating habits and to exalt the flavours of our land."

Agricola Campidanese

Via Doria, 5
09098 Terralba (OR)
Sardegna - Italy
Tel.: +39 0783 022959
Email: [email protected]
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