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Conserves over 20% of water usage on apple orchards
Spain: High tech irrigation system a success
The fruit cooperatives of Girona have been adapting to climate change for several years. The reduction of water resources and the rising temperatures have forced the agricultural sector to react to these changes that are directly affecting their activity. One of the sector's adaptations has been to implement the Giroreg irrigation programming system at the plot level, which is based on high frequency measurement of the soil's water content, and that is managed with the criterion of the Internet of things.
The system, which is already being increasingly implemented, systematically measures the soil's water content in the most diverse climate, soil, and varietal diversities in 42 pilot farms. This information is then transmitted via GPRS technology to an expert cloud system called Aquafruit.
This system integrates the weather forecast for the next seven days and plans the irrigation schedules of the pilot farms based on data from the probes installed in them. It also creates irrigation schedules for farms that don't have the probes installed, by integrating the information it receives from the pilot farms. In some cases, this expert system automatically programs the farms irrigation system, without the intervention of the farmer.
This system allows producers to save more than 20% of their water without affecting the production's quality or quantity.
Anti-hail nets in summer to prevent damage from solar radiation
Producers of sweet fruits from Girona cover their crops with anti-hail meshes during the summer months to significantly reduce the damage that solar radiation has on apples.
Currently, nearly 50% of the apple production area the Poma de Girona IGP is under these protective meshes.