In one supermarket in Laishan district, the strawberries were being sold at a promotional price of 39.6 Yuan/kilo."The original price was nearly 80 Yuan/kilo, and their is basically no promotion when the supply is limited. Even today only 4 or 5 boxes are for sale." Explained the supermarket staff.
Despite the half-price promotion, local citizens are not that passionate to buy these strawberries. "The strawberries are still fresh, but its price is too high. I prefer to buy other seasonal fruits." Said Ms. Liu from Laishan district.
In another fruit speciality store in Laishan district, two displayed boxes of strawberries were being sold at 76 Yuan per kilo, and only a few were sold out. "These strawberries are from Weihai, and generally speaking only these two carton boxes can be sold out, as its high price position restrains the purchase volume." Explained one member of staff.
Nowadays strawberry sales are rarely seen from wechat groups. "Strawberries are very difficult to transport, but its high price position makes it difficult to promote. Therefore the occasional sale can not support the wholesale volume needed." Said Ms. Sui, a wechat sales person.