Due to the extremely rainy and snowy weather in the beginning of the year, fewer navel orange trees have blossomed to bear fruit. Additionally, nearing the summer period, the weather at the storage region was hot and dry for over 70 days, which has killed weaker trees and harmed the fruits. This has affected the production volume. But the new lemons, late-ripe navel oranges, hybrid oranges, etc., which have been developed in the past years, are gradually going into production. These new fruits have partly compensated for the decrease in production volume.
At present, the regional lemons and pomelos are available on the market in large quantities. The middle-ripe navel oranges and a small amount of early-ripe hybrid oranges are also finding their way to the market. The price of these local products show a strong upward momentum compared to last year. They take the lead on this year's citrus market. It is estimated that as the supply amounts of the citrus fruits increase, the week-to-week price evolution become somewhat unstable, but the overall market situation will be better than last year's.
Source: www.cq.qq.com
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