The company, Vista Hermosa, has chosen to maximize and improve their cherry processing line, adopting the latest Ser.mac’s technologies, dedicated to this small and delicate fruit.
"Since my arrival in 2010 – says company's director, Francisco Maldonaldo - one of the goals we set, was to modernize our orchards. In early 2011 we decided to remove kiwis, replacing them with cherry trees until we reached a total of 25 hectares. The varieties currently produced are: Santina, Rainier, Brooks, Royal Dawn and Lapins.
Innovation also passed through the installation of brand new processing line, which would enable us to achieve the targets without neglecting attention to this particularly delicate fruit. For this reason, together with the ownership we spent time looking for leading companies in processing and packaging cherries in Chile until we found Ser.mac. We got to know each other better, we visited their lines in the Curicó area; we appreciated the innovative ideas they proposed, and we have established a good cooperation which is also useful for future projects. We are very happy about this decision. This year is the first time we have processed our cherries here and the truth is, it was a total success, both for our products, and for the service we provide to other exporting companies".
Concerning future projects, these days the collaboration has been strengthened according to the companies, as the operator will install a new plant for pears and also the brand new vision system for cherries developed by Ser.mac, which will be running at the beginning of the new year. A new system, able to meet quality parameters required by the customer.
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Last October 25 the new warehouse, located in Pomaire (Melipilla), Chile, was inaugurated. The inauguration was attended by different producers from the area. The new 6-channel equipment, ran in Vista Hermosa, has begun the grading the DAYTONA CHERRY, which guarantees a good selection without damaging the fruit.
The technology is absolutely at the forefront, highly automated, able to carry out all processes related to cherries processing, from selection and sorting operations, to wrapping and packaging.
The line has been designed and customized to meet in the best way the specific needs of Vista Hermosa, who have realized the importance of investing in new technologies.
Agricola Vista Hermosa
Fundo La Palma s/n Pomaire
Melipilla, R.M. Cile
Tel: +56 22 832 3172
[email protected]
Ser.mac S.r.L.
Via Zavaglia 415 – Z.I. Pievesestina
47522 Cesena (FC) – Italia
Tel.: +39 0547 415 193
Fax: +39 0547 417 343
[email protected]