Now in its fifth year, the event is expected to attract more than 10,000 people, all keen to participate in activities such as mango eating competitions, mango variety taste-testing, and making mango smoothies using a novelty bike.
Funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia, using mango industry levies, Mango Mess-tival gives the general public an opportunity to converse with the growers, putting a friendly face to the mangoes they will eat over the summer.
Marketing General Manager David Moore said the event is one facet of Horticulture Innovation Australia’s $600,000 industry-backed 2016 mango marketing program.
“The mango industry is incredibly innovative when it comes to marketing. Popular food bloggers and health influencers are helping us spread the word that mangoes are in season and mango recipes have never been more popular on social media,” he said.
“And Mango Mess-tival is great. It has become a staple of the Sydney community, as it marks the start of summer and highlights that the mango season is in full swing. It also brings the general public and growers together to celebrate a mutual love – mangoes.
“This event is also an excellent platform from which to showcase major Aussie mango varieties - Kensington Pride, Calypso, Honey Gold and R2E2s - through activities such as sampling fresh pieces, tasting mango cheeks fresh off the BBQ and mango eating competitions.”
As part of their trip down to Sydney, the growers will also get a first-hand look at the supply chain, touring distribution centres and various major supermarkets and independent green grocers.
“For the first time, some of the growers coming down are seeing the journey their produce takes from their farm gates to retailer shelves.” The Mango Mess-tival takes place at North Bondi Surf Club 8am till midday on Sunday, December 4.
Kelly Vorst-Parkes
Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited
Level 8, 1 Chifley Square, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: 02 8295 2344
Mob: 0447 304 255
Fax: 02 8295 2399
[email protected]