Collaboration to provide evidence for health benefits of cress
“SysBioSim believes in the importance of the self-management of health,” said Basak Tektemur Altay, CEO of SysBioSim. He continued, “however, there is a lot of confusion and a lack of scientific evidence about what is healthy and why. We are very excited about this collaboration with Koppert Cress where we are aiming to generate scientific evidence that can contribute to our understanding of a healthy diet. We believe that these in silico analyses can create the scientific foundations of knowledge on the health benefits of cress.”
“The main objective of Koppert Cress is to develop healthy herbs that have unique and concentrated flavors. Koppert Cress also believes that these unique herbs have concentrated health benefits that fit into the modern way of life. The company trusts that the required amounts of consumption of these herbs, being significantly less than the common vegetables, can promote healthy living, healthy life choices and self-management of health” added Rob Baan, CEO of Koppert Cress.
"Cresses, which are already known for their characteristic flavours and aromas, as well as for their decorative features, come with various potential benefits." Koppert Cress has years of experience in selecting and improving very special cresses from all over the world.
For more information:
Basak Tektemur Altay
SysBioSim B.V.
[email protected]