Great-Sun Foods offers services ranging from growing, to the management of fruit and vegetable production, acquisition, post-harvest treatment, storage, processing, packaging and cold chain distribution. The company is based in the city of Shantou in Guangdong province. It is the 26th company from Shantou that has been publicly listed, representing a total value of over 250 billion Yuan (35 billion Euro).

With a history of over 25 years, Great-Sun Foods is present in China’s major regions with processing and distribution bases. In addition, the company specialises in the import and distribution of fruits. It’s clients are a range of domestic and foreign retailers, supermarkets and e-commerce businesses, including Vanguard and JD.com.
Great-Sun Foods issued over 13,000 shares, with an initial public offering of 3,300 tradeable shares. The company aims to raise 272 million Yuan (38 million Euro), which it plans to use for the construction of new headquarters and information management systems in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Tianjin. In addition, the company will invest in new planting bases and warehousing, processing and distribution facilities. The group’s headquarters will stay in Shantou, which is well located to target major economic zones near Beijing, Tianjian and Tangshan, as well as the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta.

The company's headquarters in Guangzhou
Great-Sun Foods Co., Ltd
Tel: +86 754 8880 1877
E-mail: [email protected]