No to TTIP under current conditions
Bio Austria on TTIP
Because of the direct impact of a free trade agreement with the USA on the Austrian farmers, the relevant committees of Bio Austria have also dealt with the theme. The result is a unanimous resolution that negatively judges this TTIP based on the information currently available: "From Bio Austria's perspective, in light of the many open questions, the nontransparent negotiations, and the planned democratic politics being a questionable implementation - especially private arbitration, regulatory cooperation, lack of involvement from the national parliaments - there is only one conclusion, which is to reject this TTIP", BIO AUSTRIA chairlady Gertraud Grabmann summarizes.
In its current form, TTIP would endanger the existing high European standards, for example in the areas of environment- and consumer protection as well as gene technology, and it would make their development a lot more difficult. Thus this TTIP would block the sustainable development of agriculture and food production.
"A weaker environmental legislation and more environmental taxes would make ecological agriculture much more difficult. Thus, it also concerns the existence of the organic farmers," Gertraud Grabmann continues.
TTIP in its current form would promote the interests of corporations, over the population and small and medium-sized companies, and farmers in particular. "That is not the intention and should not be implemented in this way, we should speak up against this loudly and clearly," the Bio Austria chairlady says. Together with other agricultural representatives, she speaks against the planned free trade agreements on
"We need a shift in the economy towards more social responsibility and sustainability, so that the global competitive situation does not head further towards a crisis. Free trade should not be a carte blanche for further maximization of the profits of a few, but rather it should firstly serve the public welfare. It is necessary to strengthen domestic markets and regional business cycles, and to support small rural structures as well as the ecological agriculture," Grabmann emphasizes in conclusion.