Panama suspends imports of fruit nectars
The general manager of AUPSA, Dr. Yuri Huerta, stated that, during a review of records to strengthen controls, they had discovered that 69 out of 122 nectars imported from Central America (56%) didn't comply with this rule. Thus, their importation will be suspended until the necessary corrections are made, he said.
Regulation 31-53 of the Panamanian Commission for Industrial and Technical Standards (COPANIT) provides that fruit nectars must contain at least 35% fruit, except those with a high acidity or too much pulp, which must have at least 25% fruit.
"The health authorities has the duty to ensure full compliance with the requirements. This verification does not end here. We will continue reviewing the records of other countries and we'll apply the same suspension measures to those who do not comply with regulations," says Dr. Huerta.
Source: / Based on a statement by the Panamanian Food Safety Authority