Israel: High performing sweet potato exports brings award
“Due to the growth in demand and production that we have witnessed in recent years, we invested many resources in renovation and modernisation of our warehouse.” The process started in June 2015 and completed at the end of September 2015, and included new palletizers, carton building machines and a new and sophisticated sorting system.
“We are currently sorting and packing over 100 tons a day for the export and local market. Additionally, we are continuing with the Green Line and we are working for the environment in terms of production of green energy through solar panels that were installed on the roof of our warehouse couple of years ago, providing green energy to our packing and cooling facilities.”
The system was upgraded this year and additional panels were added to increase the productivity.
The 2015-2016 season started in the middle of July with normal demand coming from Europe. “The crops are looking very good and quality is excellent. At the moment we are focusing on collecting fresh goods from the field that some of them are sent directly to our packing house for an immediate sorting and packing process. Than it will be sent to European and local market in the near future, the rest will be stored in cold storage to support the demand of European and local markets from November till June 2016. “
For now, the approximation of expected export quantities for sweet potato is between 7000-10000 tons in 6 kg and 15 kg boxes for export, and at about 10000 tons that are intended for the local market.
For more information:
Luba Zaltsman
Tel: +972-9-7965990
Fax: +972-9-7963273
Skype: Lubovz8