Some importers overseas now prefer Italian kiwis to the French ones. An operator reveals that "most of the companies shipping goods abroad select the produce accurately and also have "top quality" brands to distinguish premium quality produce. I don't see why clients have to pay more for French kiwis."
This year, Italian kiwis are quite big, though quotations still depend a lot on the quality from the various operators.
Kiwi stocks were calculated on November 30, 2014 - there are still 394,000 tons available, i.e. 2% more than last year.
The operator points out that "the gap on the market at the beginning of the season favoured sales, so despite the fact that there was 4% more produce than 2013, stocks are actually less abundant than expected."
"If there were less Italian exporters and ones who actually worked together more, we could reach even better prices."