The amount of subsidy will be based on a portion of projected expenses, payable in USD.
To apply candidates are required to provide the following information (all documents in English only):
- Resume or CV (maximum 2 pages) stating your present work activities and/or education
- 1 – 2 page document that illustrates the degree to which you meet the criteria listed below
2. Capacity to influence change and development in your local community
3. Evidence of strong connections locally and regionally
4. Ability to communicate in English or Mandarin (the languages of the 9th WPC)
5. Commitment to a communications plan to share your experience upon returning home – preference will be given to those who are committed to influence change and innovation, and who wish to build an international network of contacts and colleagues
6. Confirmation that without financial assistance you cannot attend events such as the 9th World Potato Congress
7. Commitment to provide a final report within three months of conclusion of the Congress
Applications must be submitted by December 20, 2014.
Click here to learn more.
For more information:
John Coady
World potato Congress
Email: [email protected]