Partnering is key to improve bee health
Bayer is committed to improving bee health as the company understands that pollination matters and not only for the supply of high-quality, affordable food across the planet. Bayer sees sustaining pollination services as the shared responsibility of a broad range of stakeholders and is actively contributing to achieve this objective.
The current issue of the BEENOW magazine includes interviews with leading scientists from research institutes such as the University of Freiburg in Germany, Wageningen University in the Netherlands and the University of Guelph in Canada, all of whom are involved in the projects featured on the cover page. Additional articles cover the many partnerships that Bayer has been involved in.
The magazine will be complemented by supplementary material, such as videos and useful links that can all be found online at Regular updates about further projects that we are involved with will also be added throughout next year.
The first issue of the magazine, which can be downloaded and ordered at, is currently available in English and German. The next edition will be published at the end of 2015.
For more information:
Bayer CropScience
Utz Klages
Tel. +49 2173 38-3125
E-Mail: [email protected]
Julian Little
Tel. +44 1223-226606
E-Mail: [email protected]