With the start of gift fruit season in November, people around the world begin to receive boxes of Florida Citrus on their doorstep. But oranges and grapefruit are not the only options for those seeking a taste of Florida Citrus. Tangerines also thrive in Florida’s subtropical environment and sandy soil.
“As the season kicks-off, shipments of tangerines are down slightly, although this could be due to variances in seasons,” explains David Steele of the Florida Department of Citrus.

The Dancytangerine has a very sweet, but mellow taste with a reddish-orange peel. TheFallglo tangerine has a robust, juicy sweetness with a bright orange interiorand dark orange peel. Honey or Murcott tangerines are sweet with a distinctive,fairly rich flavour. Honeys are yellow-orange and have a thin, smooth, leathery easy-to-peel skin. Robinson tangerines have a high level of sweetness and a rich roundedtaste with a skin so smooth and thin that it is slightly ridged tocorrespond with its segments. The Sunburst variety has a deep orange juicewhich provides a high level of naturally rich and sweet flavours. Its smooth skin allows for easy peeling and its sweet flavour is perfect for dessert. Like allcitrus bearing trees, tangerines are also susceptible to greening disease.
“Millionsof dollars have been invested to find a cure,” said Steele, “Researchers andgrowers continue to generate innovative techniques to produce the high qualitycitrus fruit Florida is known for.”
For moreinformation please contact:
David Steele
Florida Department of Citrus
Tel: 863.537.3965
[email protected]