“We export to the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Holland Russia, Mexico, the UK and Southeast Asia, but want to expand our market share in the American and Indonesian markets in particular. We also hope to enter new markets, and will be putting some energy into this as well.”
The company grows around 50,000 tonnes of pears, of which 700 containers are for export.
"The varieties we produce are the Asian pears Yellow Crown, Golden, Big Crystal. Yuanhuang, Hosui, Singo, Nanshui, Green Diamond and the late Qui Huang, as well as the Zaosu Pear and grapes, ginger and garlic.”

Most of the Asian pears mature in July – August, the Zaosu pear in June – July, the Green Jewel is late July, the Ya pear is August and the Nanshui late August.
“Our pears are packaged based on the demands of the market, and come in 5kg, 10kg and 18kg telescope carton and 7kg and 13.3kg open cartons. We also have 3, 4 and 8 clam shells in cartons and can supply Christmas gift packaging and fashionable plastic packages.”

“Our different customers prefer different packaging. Our North American customers like the Sand Pear in clam shells, generally in open carton. The European and American markets like the 5kg, 10kg and 18kg telescope cartons. Some customers will also request the cartons be put on the pallets, as doing so can save manpower and reduce the cost.”
The pears are sold under the brands “Great Wall”, “Pretty Lisa” and “Fresh”.

Jenny Zhang
Great Wall
Tel: +86 311 67503608
Fax: +86 311 67503609
Email: [email protected]