"The supply of strawberries is gradually decreasing. At the moment a 'pound' per metre is being picked and this will decrease over the next few weeks. The quality of the strawberries is still very good," continues Hans. "Luckily, the price is staying at a good level. The autumn holidays are always a difficult period, but this went quite well this year. We haven't had a big dip, like we had in other years."
Veiling Zaltbommel still receives raspberries from the cold tunnels and Kwanza raspberries from greenhouses. "Prices have been difficult. We were at a slightly lower prices level for 150 grams, but this went up a bit to 1.40-1.60 Euro yesterday. The weather remains an important factor. One serious night of frost and you will have lost a large part of your production," continues Hans.

The prices of the brambles have dropped dramatically in the past week. Whereas the clock price was still 2.20 - 2.30 Euro (150 grams) last week, at the start of the week the clock stopped at 1.10 Euro. "We only have a limited volume of blackberries available, but if they're expensive, exporters will just fly them in from somewhere else. For instance, there are Mexican blackberries on the market," concludes Hans.
For more information:
Hans van Dodewaard
Veiling Zaltbommel
Stationsweg 28
5301 KH Zaltbommel
Tel: 0418-579911
Fax: 0418-579213