Knowledge, Networking and Workshops on Fresh information Management & Standards
To create a forum, platform, to share knowledge, developments, needs, from growers, traders and retailers GS1 in Europe and Frug I Com are organising the 1th EUropean Forum and Roundtable on FRESH INFO(rmation management) in the first week of December in Rotterdam.
The SS Rotterdam in the port of Rotterdam will be the meeting point for entrepreneurs, companies, specialists, researchers from cultivation till retail during the Forum and Roundtables. The newest foodwalhalla in Europe De Markthal will be the venue for the Networking Event and buffet.
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Pre-program meetings for participating communities IFPS and GS1 in Europe Fruits & Vegetables.
Forum & Information market
Industry forum with presentations, panel discussions and exchange about information management and cultivation, trade, logistics and retailing in Fresh Produce. On the floor an Information Market from Solution Providers on the edge of ICT and Fresh Produce.
Can information KILL Paperwork? #WCO#OPENDATA#REGULATIONS
How can information exchange kill paperwork with government? About developments on the World Custums Organisation Datamodel, Open data from Government for Business and Paperless Export of Fresh from the Netherlands.
More and more consumers are using Apps to get info about the products. This provides options for the industry. They will take you into their case of organising Tracking & Tracing towards the consumer. Foodloop, a starting company, is organising the sales of almost out-of-date products. Examples of new ways of communicating with the fresh customers on sustainability.
Is Silicon Valley changing the Fresh Game?
“When it comes to Food, technology is changing the game”, Forbes stated. Silicon Valley is more and more active in the domain of food and (ICT)technology. But how do they think (information)technology can change the domain of food and fresh produce?
Can information SPEED supply?
The Fresh Supply Chain is speeding up. More products have to be delivered in less time. The question is can information help to speed up the chain. Experiences from daily practise by Capespan and NK Speeddocking.
Can information DRIVE consumption?
The consumption fresh is going down. This in a market where HEALTH is trending topic. How can information help us to DRIVE consumption. This by use of Social Media such as the LOVemySALAD Social network of Rijk Zwaan, Social Listening from Twitter and opportunities to change menu's based on information.
Information technology ; for the next step in Fresh!
How is information technology going to change the world ? What does internet of things mean for an industry like Fruit &Vegetables? And how is the total integration of all levels of technology, the fourth industrial revolution effecting cultivation, production, trade and supply.
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Roundtables & Workshops with participants from all the different workings groups, projects and companies in sharing what’s happening in those innovation, standardisation and ICT – projects. Update on the state-of-the-art of standardization for Fruit & Vegetables in Chain & Retail perspective.
Sharing Product Information!
Update and experiences by sharing product information from grower to retailer.
Product Classification & You..
How do you classify your product in your ERP based on GPC and PLU and getting them the right GTIN.
Digital Supply Chain
How can you organise your logistics and customs supply chain activities fully digital?
Connected cultivation..
How do we connect the cultivation of the crop to the supply chain?
Follow the data!
How can you arrange traceability by using standards like EPCIS, GLN and more.
Consumer Interaction
How can new technology help us to connect the supply chain, grower/trader to the customer?
Identifying Origin
How GLN is more and more the identifier for the origin of Fresh Produce!
What do I Need? Labels & Barcode
Update on the development on implementing standards labels around the globe (PTI, Pallet label, etc.).
Manage the Category!
Category Management Information in Fresh; how far are we?
Future FRESH Internet
Information on the possibilities the EU-program SMARTAgrimatics and FInish can bring the industry.
What else is possible?
What is the next step in product identification & Tracking and Tracing?
Information driven healthy eating!
How can information be used to define a healthier recipe for your daily meal?