‘Cooking lab’ contest via mobile consumer app
Each week, those who wish to participate in the contest will discover a list of three predetermined ingredients to incorporate in their Cooking Lab creations via Chiquita’s new FanFun App or at www.ChiquitaBananas.com/CookingLab. The interactive gaming app provides consumers a fun new way to interact with the Chiquita brand while being rewarded with branded merchandise.
The eight week contest will name five first prize winners of Chiquita kitchen prize packs each week, and a grand prize winner of $4,000 each week. The grand prize winners will also have their recipes turned into a stop motion video. All winning recipes will be shared on social networks and on Chiquita’s website.
Chiquita is providing a fun and interactive way for consumers to incorporate the all-natural health benefits of the banana in their daily meal choices. In an effort to help educate and motivate consumers to make healthier choices, Chiquita’s Cooking Lab contest will serve as a source of additional encouragement for Americans to become more conscious of what goes into their family recipes and more focused on incorporating healthy ingredients like bananas.
The Chiquita Cooking Lab contest kicks off on September 29, 2014 and will run through November 23, 2014. To learn more about the contest, contest rules and the Chiquita Fan Fun app, visit: www.ChiquitaBananas.com/CookingLab