"French kiwi prices slightly higher than last year"
Higher prices
"At Sikig we do not take any risk in connection with the taste" he continues. "We wait till week 47 to start the season with a good quality." Vermeiren tells that the supply of Zespri kiwi's was limited in the middle of November. "At the moment there is a shortage of kiwi's of good quality, because most French exporters have not started the new season as yet". Vermeiren mentions that the total production of the French Hayward kiwi is about 15% smaller than last year. "Also there are very few large kiwis of sizes 20 and 23 in 3kg crates. A shortage of large sizes has occurred a number of times during the last few years. Prices are somewhat higher than last year, the kiwis are between 5 and 8% more expensive. We expect a very nice kiwi season at Sikig kiwis and hope from week 47 up to and including the beginning of May 2014, to be able to supply our clients with a flavoursome and satisfactory product."
Increase assortment: citrus Fidels
Exofi has increased its assortment since October 2010. Mr. Jacques Delsemme of the company Fidels has joined the team of Exofi. "He is an old hand in the trade with more than 45 years of experience. As a result we are in a position to supply fresh Spanish citrus daily of the hallmarks Beni, Fidels, Frutibema and Zaida. The leafy clementines of Fidels are known in Belgium because of their perfect taste. At the moment we offer the Clemenules. The taste is perfect and the quality is super. That promises something for the week of St.Nicholas. This week we receive fresh shipments every day and the prices are attractive" Jan concludes.
For more information:
Jan Vermeiren
112, Werkhuizenkaai, mag.25-26
B-100 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 243.12.49
GSM: + 32 475 86.09.80
[email protected]