The beginning was difficult; things improved later on, only to return to uncertainty, although in the end, results were better than in the previous campaign, both for the companies and the growers.
How has the current campaign started? What do you expect from it?
We have had a rather difficult start due to high temperatures, delays in the ripening and the abundance of smaller calibres. Demand has been low and export volumes have dropped. We expect the situation to change, as it did last year.
What is the situation in the United States market?
The U.S. market has remained stable over the past few campaigns. We have been exporting clementines there for many years.
How are Spanish consumers responding?
Their response is improving in recent years. Domestic consumption usually remains at good levels during all stages of the campaign.
How is the citrus sector being affected by the recession?
The recession has taken a deep toll on it. Lack of funding is making it hard for many companies to survive.
Will the recession redefine Castellon's entrepreneurial map? Is concentration the way to go, or will there still be room for small exporters?
Not all of them will be able to survive; it is necessary to have volumes available. Cooperatives have gone through an adaptation period, by means of mergers, which is making it possible to resize their volumes and face the future with better prospects.