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Peru gains importance in blueberry export to US
Peru will become the next major supplier of blueberries in the U.S. market come February 2014, according to the Fresh Results Company.
Eric Crawford, founder and now CEO of the U.S. Company Fresh Results, is currently in Peru evaluating the blueberry production in La Libertad, Ancash, Arequipa, Cajamarca and other regions.
He praised Peru's variety of climates and soils, the country's economic growth and favourable business investment climate, which projects it's importance on the world stage of agricultural exports.
Currently Fresh Results imports 10 million kilos of blueberries from Argentina, Chile and Mexico; a year ago the company established an office in Lima.
Peru is the sixth country where they have opened a branch. They are already importing mangoes, grapes, avocados, citrus and Peruvian asparagus; the company manages a portfolio with more than 20 fresh products.
Fresh Results is one of the leading importers of agricultural produce in the United States, their pride and joy is the cranberry, whose international consumption has increased significantly.