Vivai Spinelli represents a historic company in the sector, as it has been cultivating stone fruit, small fruit and grafted olive trees for many generations. It is a founding member of the CoViP, Consorzio vivaistico pugliese and, thanks to the certified propagation materials coming from parent plant fields, Vivai Spinelli guarantees maximum quality as regards health and varietal correspondence.
According to Gerardo Spinelli,"At the moment, the company is producing stone fruit graftlings, which enable growers to carry out transplants any time of year."
By pre-ordering the desired rootstock-scion combination, Vivai can supply the material to create planned plantations in three months.
The main objective of the company - which can now also count on Vito and Maria Elisabetta Spinelli, the niece and nephew of the founder - is to rely on varietal innovation and domestic and international breeding programmes so as to supply fruit growers with new cultivars that comply with the prerogatives of the market as well as the characteristics of the land.
Vivai Spinelli is checked by both CoViP technicians and the Region Plant Protection Service and is very important for those fruit growers wanting to create modern and rational plantations.
The company will attend Agrilevante, Pavilion 18, Stand 32.
Vivai Spinelli
Dott. Agr. Giovanni Campanile
S.P. 139 km 6.5 C.da/Canale
70010 Sammichele di Bari (BA)
Tel. and fax: (+39) 80 8910734
Tel.: (+39) 30 840084
Email: [email protected]