"Sunkist joins forces with "The Biggest Loser®"
Sunkist will channel viewers' motivation to live healthier by bringing "The Biggest Loser" brand to grocery stores nationwide, inspiring them to make better, more nutritious choices while shopping. Starting as early as December, specially marked packaging for Sunkist® citrus will feature on-pack stickers that incorporate "The Biggest Loser" logo and information about the health and weight loss benefits of citrus. Sunkist will also offer a valuable consumer promotion that inspires entrants to achieve their weight loss goals.
The promotion will place a particular emphasis on Sunkist lemons and grapefruit, as both of these citrus varieties are known for their weight loss benefits.
Squeezing fresh lemon into your water adds flavor and Vitamin C, helping you stay hydrated and healthy. By replacing high calorie drinks with lemon water, you'll be cutting back the number of calories you consume which can aid weight loss, that is why Sunkist has branded lemon water The Ultimate Diet Drink®. Find out more about using fresh lemons in your water by clicking here.
Grapefruit is a nutrient-packed superfood, providing antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that promote heart health, healthy skin and may reduce the risk of certain cancers1, 2. Studies have shown that this superfruit also plays a supporting role in healthy weight loss 3. For more information about the health and weight loss benefits of grapefruit, check out Sunkist's online brochure.
For more information:
Joan Wickham
Sunkist Growers
Tel: +1 818-379-7430
Email: [email protected]