"Unfortunately, counterfeiting the origin of produce is very common nowadays, especially for garlic, as it is very hard for consumers to distinguish an imported product from China from other local varieties. In order to guarantee the origin of our garlic, we invite our clients to visit the company. Consumers can gather more information by visiting our website www.sicilgarlic.com."
Sicil Garlic started planting white garlic several days ago. "Then, we will start planting all of the other pink and red varieties. We have increased the cultivated area by a few hectares, so now the total will be around 20 hectares," explains the owner.
"This year we have also added new varieties, selected thanks to our research protocols in our experimental fields. In addition to selecting high quality varieties that are highly productive, our protocols are also based on the development of GARLICPLUS programmes."
"At a commercial level, we will start selling dried garlic this year. We have already started packaging garlic in 5.5 kg crates containing between 23 and 28 nets. Each net contains 3 or 4 bulbs for a total of 200-300 grams."
In the next few months, the company will work on new machinery for packaging, brushing, decloving and grading.
Carmelo Di Stefano
Cell.: (+39) 335 7223289
Email: [email protected]
Sicil Garlic di Carmelo Di Stefano
Via Cinquegrana, 64
95040 Castel di Iudica (CT)
Tel.: (+39) 095 664116
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.sicilgarlic.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SicilGarlicDiCarmeloDiStefano?ref=hl