At Fresh SummitCAC staff will share current research about California avocados and avocadocategory performance potential. CAC’s Fall California Avocado Tracking Study resultswill be available, with insight into the data that inspires CAC’s campaignmessaging. Market-level category score cards will be available for retailersinterested in learning more about opportunities to maximize sales during theCalifornia avocado season.
“We are also excited to invite FreshSummit registrants to CAC’s booth 3015 for a preview of our 2014 marketingplans,” said DeLyser. “Retailers visiting our booth will have access to thelatest avocado research and the opportunity to enjoy some memorable Californiaavocado dishes highlighting the flavors of the region created by New Orleans’chef Susan Spicer.”
Spicerhas created three new California avocado recipes with Crescent City flair, andwill sample them in CAC’s booth on Saturday and Sunday. Spicer has been cookingprofessionally since 1979, mostly in New Orleans, with a stint in Paris in1982, and has made numerous gCAC will be active in socialmedia leading into and throughout Fresh Summit with Twitter® and Facebook®posts directed both to trade and consumer audiences.
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