This is the assessment of Maria Filicetti, Chairman of the Consorzio di Tutela Patata della Sila IGP. The Consortium, recognised by the Ministerial Decree of 16/04/2013 published in the Official Journal no. 106 of 08/05/2012, is the only one that can manage the general interests of the PGI "Sila Potato", according to the Ministry for Agricultural and Forestry Policy.
"Planting was completed on 18th June 2013 - in 2012 they ended on 30th June. Harvesting started on 3rd September, later than 2012 (20th August) because July was colder. It will end by October 2013."
The main markets for the Consortium are retailers and traditional markets (60%), other packers (26%) and the processing industry (14%).
As the Chairman explains, "the benefits of the PGI mark are a deeper introduction on the market, better differentiation and recognition, higher prices and improved control and traceability systems."
Distinctive characteristics of PGI Sila potatoes
The PGI Sila Potato Consortium will take part to Macfrut 2013 (Cesena, 25th-27th September), Pav. C -Stand 17. Visitors will be welcomed by Chairman Maria Filicetti (Cell.: 347 4981021), Jenny Panza (Cell.: 340 7368965) and Andrea Paese (Cell.: 328 4544523).
For further information:
Consorzio di Tutela Patata della Sila IGP
Via Forgitelle, 28
87058 Camigliatello Silano-Spezzano della Sila (CS)
Tel.: (+39) 0984 1633626
Fax: (+39) 0984 57869
Email: [email protected]
PEC: [email protected]