September was a month of international trade fairs. Asia Fruit Logistica took place in Hong Kong 5-7 September, the fair attracted over 5,700 visitors and 344 exhibitors, as always FreshPlaza was there to make a photo report. This year's Potato Europe took place on the 12th and 13th of September at Villers-Saint-Christophe in France. Visitor numbers were around 10,000, FreshPlaza were also there to make a photo report. The WFM took place from 17th-20th September 2012, Expocentre, Moscow, Russia, here we also made a photo report.
This month's subscriber figures for Freshplaza.com, Freshplaza.it, Freshplaza.es and the Dutch websites reached over 80,000.

September saw a few firsts: The first home grown kiwiberries went on sale in the UK, and the first commercial volumes of the Autumncrisp grapes were harvested by Sun World in the US.

In a move to attract global brands the Indian Government allowed international supermarkets to purchase up to 51% of multi-brand retailers in Indian cities that have a population of over 1 million, a move long awaited by the big retailers, this led to a protest by fruit growers. Himachal Pradesh Horticulture Minister Narinder Bragta stated that Foreign Direct Investment will wipe out the Indian fruit industry. He said the move to allow foreign retailers to open stores in the country came at a time when Himachal Pradesh is already facing competition from China, the US and Europe in regards to the apple trade.
For the first time in more than 130 years not a single Tasmanian apple was exported. This is due to unfavourable exchange rates and no international shipping from Tas, this prompted fears that the island's industry may be nearing its end.
COAG, one of Spain's biggest farmer's unions, held a protest against CAP in Madrid.
They surrounded themselves with produce from all over the country and lifted a huge banner which read "Agriculture is Food." 30 COAG representatives announced mobilisation against the current CAP proposals.

The cost of logistics was also going to rise as the UK announced that foreign lorries would be charged £1000 (€1244) to use the UK's roads in an effort make things fairer for British hauliers who have to pay to use foreign motorways. The legislation would be in place by spring 2013.
At the Cool Logistics conference in Antwerp, Mearsk made a big announcement that it would be significantly increasing the price of shipping a container to $1500 per 40ft container.