Colombia: Price prediction system for Hartón bananas in development
The tool, developed by students Yonny Stiven García Pinzón, Sergio Fabrizzio Guevara Rodríguez, William Andrés Castrillón and Andrés Mauricio Moreno, led by technician Jenny Carolina Ramírez Leal, is an active guide tracking price developments. Basically, it’s an app that can be downloaded on any Android operating system under Cloud Computing. The app gives access to the information system Sipsa, utilized by the Ministry of Agriculture.
According to the developers, the current market is a precarious one for growers and distributors of the Hartón banana. Conflicting and unreliable information paralyses the sector, and makes people unsure of what to do. The app allows these people immediate access to the latest changes, market decisions and price fluctuations. Industry people can now predict the prices of bananas and act accordingly, so say the students.
The Hartón banana is said to bring in between 180 million and 200 million USD per year, which puts it on the same level as coffee. Over 300,000 hectares is devoted to the cultivation.