Jazz Apples were recently sampled and showcased at the BBC Good Food Show from Nov 28- Dec 2. This show always officially launches the commencement of the selling of UK grown Jazz, so is an important event. 5 days, 100000+ food loving consumers attending, 21000 Jazz apples sold / sampled, an additional 3400 sign ups for our Jazz Apple monthly newsletter (which is now sent out to over 45000 subscribers), 2000 Jazz stickers/ 3500 Jazz recipe cards handed out, 16 WFL staff helping out during the event and a very, very successful and busy Show.
The Jazz provided for the Show was from UK grower Simon Bray, who attended the event on the Saturday (30000 sell-out ) spending the day talking Jazz and sampling consumers. Fruit quality was excellent. Consumers love talking with ‘The Grower’ and Simon was a massive hit on the day.

The 2012/13 EU Jazz season is well underway and year to date sales across Europe and UK have been exceptional, with already half of the total EU Jazz crop having been sold. The challenge already is to meet up with the New Season Southern Hemisphere crop, which is not due until late April 2013.
For more information:
Gary Harrison
[email protected]