Bolivia: The story of the Brazil nut
Click here to a see photo report of the nut production in Bolivia
This is what the story of Brazil nuts ties into. The ‘production’ is not the stereotypical process that can be managed, but it relies on the crop that the trees in the rainforest give. Whatever level of volume comes out of the forest, that is what can be processed. Also, the crop is being collected by a community at large - as opposed to traditional plantation workers. Because it is a means of generating revenue from the rainforest for the rural community, while conserving rather than depleting the rainforest, the Bolivian government puts value and focus on the further development of Brazil nuts as a commodity.
The whole region of Pando, the north of La Paz and north of Beni is highly dependent on the product. As much as 25,000 people are employed in the industry. Therefore, it’s a national interest. This makes the trade in Brazil nuts a political issue as well in national politics and the government is increasingly turning its focus on the production. The work that the Hanseatic Nut Company performs in the industry has a positive social, environmental and economic impact in the rainforest area. The fact that it’s possible to make a difference in this respect, is thanks to the collaboration with a Bolivian national company and also thanks to collaborating with the Bolivian government. Working in a combination together with a Bolivian national company brings knowledge and trust, because the local company connects with the source in the production country, and another - also local - company connects with the market in the destination country. And this of course opens great potential.
Click here to see a photo report of the nut production in Bolivia
The Brazil nuts that the Hanseatic Nut Company works with, are certified organic. This means more than just the absence of pesticide use. It also means a responsible control of stocks, keeping the product under the right circumstances, controlling and tracking the entire process from harvesting to shipping. It means a sustainable production, keeping the area clean and a responsible use of resources. The health of the Brazil nut industry also ensures that rainforests aren’t cut in favor of the cattle industry or for wood sales, but instead conserve the forest and the means of providing for the communities living in the forest.
The aims of the Hanseatic Nut Company are to increase the volume of trade of Brazil nuts and to keep a focus on organic produce. The company will put all its effort into promoting this on the market, because from the background story it becomes clear just how different this product is from mainstream production and how interesting it is to let people know about it.
For more information:
Haches & Schindler
The Hanseatic Nut Company GmbH
Mob: +49 (0) 171 8583211
Tel.: +49 (0) 40 - 3095499-45
Fax: +49 (0) 40 - 3095499-60
To get some breath taking views on what comes out of the beautiful rainforests of Bolivia: Click here to see a photo report